
How to Achieve Video Conferencing Success?

Updated on Oct 15, 2021 by

Astounding Growth: Video Conferencing for Businesses

Video conferencing (VC) is an emerging area of communication; businesses around the world have generally welcomed the concept. VC is an industry with good prospects, according to studies the market value of VC was 3.4 billion USD with an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 9.2 for 2018 till 2025. All signs were positive and predicted a stable and healthy future for VC.

Post-Pandemic Era

Enterprise video conferencing industry experienced an unpredictable meteoric rise in 2020, and this industry is expected to grow to almost 50 billion USD by 2026. Due to a pandemic COVID-19, almost everything came to a standstill and in this most gloomy of times, VC came to the rescue as far as communication is concerned.

Work from home became the new norm; online education is a routine practice. VC facilitated workshops, training, seminars, conferences, policy addresses, sermons, etc. VC is no longer just an emergency option; it is one of the most important communication tools. There is no denying that VC is here to stay and will continue to grow in the future.

An Inevitable Trend: Video Conferencing Wide Adoption

Video conferencing simulates face-to-face meetings of two or more parties over the Internet. Globalization has led to the development and growth of enterprise video conferencing. Business managers from prominent corporations have realized the advantages of enterprise video conferencing. Managers can interact, guide, and collaborate with their teams in a single meeting room irrespective of their geographical locations.

A carefully chosen VC solution facilitates communication with vendors, suppliers, distributors without the hassle of traveling. A thoughtful enterprise video conferencing solution choice improves collaboration between businesses, suppliers, and vendors. Enterprise VC solutions have been beneficial for communication across the globe resulting in decreasing timelines and efficient supply chains.

How to Choose a Suitable VC Solution?

Video conferencing is one of the safest and productive investments in any business. Every enterprise irrelevant to its size needs a VC solution. It would be ill-wise to assume that one VC solution fits the requirements of every organization. Therefore choosing a suitable video conference solution for any enterprise must be premeditated.

FS Video Conference Room Solution

A Seamless Video Conference: Guaranteeing Smooth Communication

Latency / Delay can significantly affect a VC setup. Delay is part of every VC setup but it must not increase to the extent that communication becomes cumbersome. Usually, there is a delay of milliseconds in audio/video transmission and 1-2 seconds in screen sharing. Investment in a low latency video conferencing solution will be greatly beneficial in this regard.

A Secure Video Conference: Ensuring Info’s Safety

Privacy and Security are very genuine and critical parameters to consider while choosing a VC solution. Every enterprise values its content highly and is rightly concerned about its protection. Questions pertinent to the privacy & security of a VC solution include

  • How to stop unauthorized access?

  • What encryption technique is used to protect data?

  • Has the VC solution been audited for security?

  • Cloud computing security of VC

Simple steps like applying strong meeting passwords and avoiding the reuse of meeting IDs can greatly secure your video conference. Moreover, waiting room features are always handy. Meeting links must always be locked and better not shared on social media.

A Satisfying Video Conferencing Solution: Meeting User’s Demand

Enterprise Video Conferencing is the requirement of any business around the globe therefore it is critical to use a setup, which is user-friendly. Ease of use is instrumental in optimizing efficiency of a VC setup. A VC setup is designed to simulate a face-to-face meeting therefore it is paramount that the video / audio transmission is sublime.

A Saving VC Solution: Reducing Deployment & Operational Costs

Every VC solution has its price, so the company's budget and requirements must be reflected while buying it. Prices vary according to the camera capabilities like 4k or 1080p resolution etc and their area of coverage. Speaker systems are also an important price factor.

Cloud-based video conferencing solutions have been massively popular. Reliable business-standard solutions charge between $13 to $20 per month. However, it is important to keep a check on hidden costs. For example, the audio calling feature enables users to join a conference via a standard phone line.


Above are some of the parameters, which an organization has to look upon while choosing a VC solution. In short, a suitable enterprise video conferencing solution is one which

  • Imitates the face-to-face environment as much as possible.

  • Ensures smooth communication.

  • Helps in increasing business efficiency.

  • Ensures data security

  • Fits within budget

If you plan to invest in a video conferencing solution, there are some other factors to be considered. Please check the questions below:

Factors Questions
Participants Maximum number of users in a VC
Guest users Are guest users allowed to join a VC? If Yes, how?
File sharing Is file-sharing allowed? If yes, which type of files are allowed to be shared?
Screen sharing Screen sharing allowed or not? Is it possible to share the running app? Are participants able to listen to the shared sound?
Annotations and Whiteboard Is it possible for participants to annotate on a shared screen? Is a whiteboard available? If yes, how can it be used?
Recording Is it possible to record the whole video conference? Can all participants record this conference?
Chat Is it possible for participants to send messages to each other?

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