

Updated on May 8, 2024 by

What is MOR (Middle of Row)?

MOR (Middle of Row) refers to a network architecture where networking equipment, such as switches, is positioned in the middle of each row of server racks within a data center or server room. Servers within each rack connect to a patch panel, and the patch panel is then connected to the switch in the middle of the row.The connection mode of MOR switch is similar to the EOR mode. Access switches are deployed in one or two cabinets of a cabinet group through the centralized mode. Only the location of the network cabinet is in the middle of the cabinet group. In this case, the connection between the server cabinet and the network cabinet will be simplified.

network architecture

Advantages of MOR

  • 1. Reduced Cabling Complexity: Placing the network cabinet in the middle of the row reduces the cable length required to connect the server cabinets to the network cabinet. This simplifies the cabling infrastructure and reduces the potential for cable clutter and tangling.

  • 2. Simplified Management and Maintenance: With MOR, the network equipment is centrally located in the middle of the row. This centralized placement makes it easier to manage and maintain the networking infrastructure. Technicians have better access to the switches and patch panels, simplifying troubleshooting, cable management, and equipment maintenance tasks.

  • 3. Improved Airflow and Cooling: By positioning the network cabinet in the middle, MOR helps in better airflow management within the row of server cabinets. This arrangement can enhance cooling efficiency and reduce the risk of hot spots, ensuring optimal operating conditions for the network and server equipment.

  • 4. Flexibility and Scalability: MOR allows for easier scalability and flexibility in network expansion. As new server cabinets are added to the row, the network cabinet in the middle can accommodate additional connections without significant reconfiguration. This makes it more convenient to scale up the network infrastructure as the organization's requirements grow.

  • 5. Balanced Network Performance: Placing the network cabinet in the middle distributes the network connections more evenly across the server cabinets. This helps to balance the network load and reduce latency, ensuring consistent and reliable network performance for all servers.


Network Architecture
TOR (Top of Rack)
EOR (End of Row)
MOR (Middle of Row)
Location of Switches
Top of individual racks
End of each row
Middle of each row
Server-to-Switch Connectivity
Direct connection between servers and rack-level switches
Servers connect to patch panels, which are connected to row-level switches
Servers connect to patch panels, which are connected to row-level switches
Number of Switches
Each rack has its own dedicated switch
Multiple racks share a single switch at the end of the row
Multiple racks share a single switch in the middle of the row
Cabling Complexity
Simplified cabling within individual racks
Reduced cabling compared to TOR, but longer cable runs within rows
Reduced cabling compared to TOR, shorter cable runs compared to EOR
May require more switches as the number of racks increases
Scalable, as additional racks can be connected to the same row-level switch
Scalable, as additional racks can be connected to the same row-level switch
Cable Management
Simplified cable management within individual racks
More complex cable management compared to TOR
Intermediate complexity in cable management
Space Requirement
Requires space at the top of each rack for switches
Requires space at the end of each row for switches
Requires space in the middle of each row for switches
Cost Consideration
Potentially higher cost due to more switches
Potentially lower cost compared to TOR
Moderate cost with a balance between TOR and EOR

It's important to note that the suitability of each architecture depends on the specific requirements, scale, and constraints of the network infrastructure. The table provides a general comparison, but the final decision should be based on factors such as the size of the data center, number of servers, scalability needs, cabling complexity, available space, and budget considerations.

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