Posted on Jun 27, 2023
The customer is a company that specializes in data center technology and solutions, committed to providing users with high-performance, high-reliability, and highly scalable data center solutions to meet their growing business needs. FS helped the customer solve pain points in high availability and data protection.
  • Challenge 1
    If a data center was damaged, it would affect all business interruption, data loss.
  • Challenge 2
    During data backup, it was common to encounter backup failures due to high latency.
  • Building Dual-Active Data Center Solution
    By building a dual-active data center solution for customers, FS uses vxlan technology to achieve data synchronization and business dynamic migration between data centers. This not only successfully helps customers solve the potential risks caused by a single data center, but also allows Western users to access the Western data center nearby, effectively reducing network latency and greatly improving user experience.
  • Business and Backup Networks are Operated Independently
    The reuse of data backup network and service network will lead to low efficiency of backup. FS designs a complete network solution for the customer, separating the business network and the backup network. Independent network backup can achieve the efficiency of backup data, avoiding the occupation of network bandwidth during the backup process, and improving the efficiency and reliability of backup.
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