
Cloud Managed Networks: Revolutionizing Enterprise Network Management

Updated on Jun 4, 2024 by

 Wireless Access Points

The success of enterprise cloud architectures begins with the ability to connect and manage cloud environments across departments, and today, many enterprises are using multiple cloud service providers. The cloud managed network is a new model for network deployment, and the enterprise can host the entire lifecycle in the cloud for management. This article has provided an introduction to cloud managed networks, highlighting the reasons and advantages of choosing this approach, as well as how it functions.

What Is Cloud Managed Network?

The cloud managed network is composed of a cloud management platform and network equipment. The cloud managed network solution allows network devices such as access points, switches, gateways, and firewalls to be managed on the cloud platform. It is an innovative network management mode that relies on cloud management platforms and uses emerging technologies such as big data, and cloud computing to implement cloud based management and monitoring of network equipment and business experience.


Why Cloud Managed Networking?

With the maturation and widespread adoption of virtualization and cloud computing technologies, an increasing number of enterprises are using cloud computing technologies to build cloud network management platforms. To solve the growing complexity and increasing costs of many data centers, as well as to simplify management and ensure information security, it creates integrated service delivery, automated operations, and maintenance management, virtualized resource consolidation, and software-defined IT resources. Cloud managed network provides the following advantages:

  • Accelerated deployment and acceptance of software and feature updates, along with a decrease in the number of network management devices required on-site.

  • Streamlined network management processes, including improved provisioning, deployment, monitoring, reporting, and issue resolution.

  • Increased flexibility for network expansion and the implementation of failover, replacement, and redundancy services.

How Cloud Managed Networks Drive Innovation

Cloud computing has revolutionized the possibilities that were previously limited by isolated on-premises infrastructure and software. With the advent of the cloud, gathering data from numerous sources has become simpler, enabling support for a larger audience without the need for additional physical resources. Additionally, the creation of extensive data lakes facilitates more detailed and insightful analytics. This same level of advancement applies to cloud managed networking as well.

  • The entirety of managed network infrastructure can contribute telemetry data to a centralized data lake, enabling improved analysis.

  • High-performance computing and machine learning capabilities can detect anomalous patterns, assisting in troubleshooting efforts.

  • By comparing high-performance computing insights across different locations, organizations can receive guidance on optimizing network performance for increased efficiency.

  • Sharing information about new IoT devices becomes more streamlined, enhancing network security measures.

Benefits of Cloud Managed Networking

The following table compares the benefits of cloud managed network and traditional network:

  Cloud Managed Network Traditional Network
Scale All servers, software, and networks are not accessed through physical hardware, but reside externally in the cloud. Only licenses for wireless APs, switches and gateways are required for cloud management. Traditional IT systems need to deploy complete internal physical servers. The need for a fully equipped IT support team
Automation Unified management of network equipment, complete security measures to ensure the smooth operation of the network. Requires a lot of management in-house, requiring fully trained IT staff to ensure regular monitoring and maintenance of servers, such as upgrades, configuration issues, threat protection, and installation.
Flexibility and Scalability The cloud managed network has unlimited storage space and more server resources. Cloud servers can be scaled up or down based on the level of traffic a website receives, and administrators have full control over installing any software when needed, which provides greater flexibility for business growth. The traditional management network can only use the resources that are already available, bear the hardware cost and pay for additional software licenses brought about by business growth.
Cost Save cost and time by reducing hardware requirements and the resources needed to host traditional on-premises services. High hardware requirements and pre-purchase equipment and additional server space to accommodate business growth.
Security The cloud management network can identify all kinds of phishing WiFi, privately set up WiFi, realize the detection and protection of various wireless intrusions, and ensure the security of wireless networks. In addition, the cloud management network intervenes in experience management from the delivery process to eliminate risks in advance. Traditional environments typically use a perimeter security model to control access. Security is managed 24/7 by the IT department, requiring significant time and money to ensure the correct security policies are implemented and data recovery systems are in place.

How Does the Cloud Managed Network Work?

Cloud managed networks manage the network throughout its lifecycle. When the network is unliving, it can be planned and designed offline to define the network architecture. When the network is built and delivered, the defined network architecture is implemented as a project, and the entire delivery process is process-controlled and quality-controlled. All managed network infrastructures can feed telemetry data into a single data lake for better analysis.

After acceptance, the network formally enters the service phase, where the core requirements of the network are stable operation, fewer failures, and rapid localization and fault recovery after failures occur. Among other things, machine learning services can identify anomalous patterns to help troubleshoot. The cloud managed network's monitoring, change, and inspection modules ensure stable operation during the service phase until the network is taken offline.

Throughout the network lifecycle, resource management ensures that network resources are consistent with the real network. And information about new IoT devices can be shared more easily, thereby enhancing network security.

Enhance Cloud Management Efficiency with FS Airware Platform

To elevate the management of your enterprise cloud architecture and efficiently address the complexities of contemporary network environments, we highly recommend the FS Airware Platform. FS Airware provides a comprehensive cloud management solution that significantly simplifies network management processes and enhances information security. What's more, FS Airware facilitates rapid deployment and acceptance of software and feature updates, minimizes the need for on-site network management devices, and enhances the flexibility of network expansion and redundancy services. In essence, the FS Airware Cloud Management Network is an excellent choice for optimizing network performance and ensuring the seamless operation of your business.

FS Airware Platform


In conclusion, cloud managed networks represent a significant shift in how enterprises deploy and manage their network infrastructure. By leveraging cloud management platforms, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and enhance security. This innovative approach to network management allows for accelerated deployment of updates, minimized on-site equipment, and improved flexibility for expansion and redundancy. Meanwhile, by simplifying network management processes and enhancing information security, AmpCon™ stands out as an optimal choice for businesses looking to optimize their network performance and ensure seamless operational efficiency.


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