
FS Launched A New 400G SR4 Optical Module, Revolutionizing High-Speed Networks

Posted on Jun 5, 2024 by

May 11th, 2024 – FS.com, a leading provider of high-speed networking solutions, was excited to announce the launch of our latest innovation, the QSFP-DD 400G SR4 optical module. This cutting-edge module is set to revolutionize high-speed networks, providing unprecedented speed and efficiency.

The QSFP-DD 400G SR4 module was developed to answer the growing demand for higher bandwidth and faster data transfer rates in data centers and network infrastructures. As technological advancements such as cloud computing, AI, and big data analytics surged, the existing network frameworks struggled to keep up with the volume of data traffic, latency requirements, and energy efficiency.

To address these challenges, the industry sought to adopt next-generation, high-performance optical transceivers that could increase capacity without proportionally increasing the footprint or power consumption. The QSFP-DD (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Double Density) form factor emerged as a solution, enabling support for higher speeds and more lanes within the same interface.

The 400G SR4 variant of QSFP-DD specifically caters to short-reach communication scenarios (up to 100 meters over multimode fiber). It leverages parallel optics to transmit data over four lanes, each supporting data rates of 100 Gbps, cumulatively reaching 400 Gbps. And it can support 2 x 200G-SR and 4 x 100G-SR. This development allows data centers to meet the performance needs of modern applications, optimize their infrastructures, and maintain flexibility for future upgrades.

QSFP-DD 400G SR4 Optical Modules

Offer High-speed and Low-power 400G Links

The QSFP-DD SR4 optical module, built-in Maxlinear chip, is designed to deliver data rates of up to 400Gbps. This chip and remarkable speed ensure stable transmission, seamless connectivity, and enhanced network performance, making it an ideal solution for businesses that require robust and efficient networking capabilities.

Beyond its impressive data transfer rates and stability, the QSFP-DD 400G SR4 optical module excels in energy efficiency. With a power consumption of ≤8W, this module is designed to help reduce operational costs, a benefit that can lead to substantial savings over time. Lower power consumption also means reduced heat output, which can decrease cooling requirements and further enhance cost efficiency.

In addition to being cost-effective, the energy-efficient design of this optical module contributes to environmental sustainability. By minimizing energy use, it helps businesses lower their carbon footprint, aligning with modern corporate sustainability objectives. Thus, the QSFP-DD 400G SR4 is not only a powerful asset for high-speed networking but also an eco-friendly choice that supports responsible energy consumption and environmental preservation. This makes it not only a powerful but also an eco-friendly choice for high-speed networking.


Comprehensive Testing Increases Reliability

Reliability is a cornerstone of the QSFP-DD 400G SR4 Optical Module. Built with state-of-the-art technology, qualified through a rigorous process with advanced equipment such as Optical Spectrum Test、TDECQ Test、Bit Error Rate Test, and Temperature Test, it guarantees stable and consistent performance, significantly reducing the risk of downtime. This reliability ensures you get high-quality and reliable optics.

In addition, Every QSFP-DD 400G SR4 optical module is also subjected to comprehensive quality testing to confirm compatibility with the targeted switch environment. This meticulous compatibility assessment guarantees flawless operations and seamless integration with existing network infrastructure, thereby enhancing overall system reliability.

The end result is a robust optical module that not only meets but exceeds industry standards, delivering reliable data transfer with minimal risk of disruption. Whether deployed in data centers, enterprise networks, or high-performance computing environments, the QSFP-DD 400G SR4 Optical Module offers peace of mind with its proven reliability and quality assurance. Consequently, users can trust its performance to support their most demanding networking tasks, ensuring a stable and efficient operational experience.


Enable Seamless Connectivity for Your Network

FS BOX allows this 400G SR4 transceiver to be reconfigured to work with various brands, especially BOX V4.0, which can configure FS transceiver to support 200+ vendors within seconds online, providing flexibility in managing inventory costs. This flexibility comes from the ability to use the same transceiver with different brands of network equipment, reducing the need to keep a large inventory of different transceivers for each brand, thus lowering overall stock costs.

Moreover, this compatibility and flexibility ensure that as network technology evolves or as different brands are deployed within the same infrastructure, the 400G SR4 transceivers can easily be re-purposed and remain invaluable assets. This dynamic approach not only fosters cost efficiency but also enhances operational agility, enabling quick adaptations to new requirements or sudden changes in vendor deployments without extensive and costly hardware replacements.


The launch of the 400G SR4 Optical Module marks a new era in high-speed networking, offering unparalleled performance and reliability. FS remains committed to driving innovation and excellence, ensuring our customers have access to the best solutions in the industry. The QSFP-DD 400G SR4 optical module is now available for purchase. For more information on this revolutionary product and how it can benefit your business, please visit our website or contact our sales team.

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