
Smart Dual Light

Posted on Jun 13, 2024 by

What is Smart Dual Light Technology?

Smart Dual Light technology utilizes an intelligent algorithm to precisely identify targets. During nighttime, the IR illuminator remains active. Upon detecting a target, the warm light is activated, allowing the camera to capture full-color video and document critical events. Once the target exits the monitored zone, the warm light deactivates and the IR illuminator reactivates, effectively minimizing light pollution in the area.

Why Do We Need Smart Dual Light ?

Enhanced Visibility and Security:

Full-color and IR Modes: The ability to switch between full-color and IR modes ensures optimal visibility in varying lighting conditions. Full-color mode provides detailed color video footage in well-lit areas, while IR mode ensures clear monochrome images in low-light or no-light conditions.

Adaptable Illumination:

Smart Illumination: This default setting switches between IR illuminator and warm light based on detected targets, optimizing the illumination for security and visibility without manual intervention.

IR Mode: Reduces light pollution by using only IR light, making it ideal for environments where minimal light is preferred, such as residential areas at night.

Warm Light Mode: Ensures color video footage, which is crucial for identifying details like clothing colors and vehicle colors in well-lit areas.

Remote and Scheduled Management:

Mobile App: Provides the convenience of managing camera illumination remotely, allowing users to control the lighting anywhere, anytime.

Illumination By Schedule: Users can set specific illumination modes for different times of the day, enhancing security and adapting to daily lighting changes.

Advanced Motion Detection and False Alarm Reduction:

SMD Plus: Utilizes deep learning algorithms to focus on human and vehicle targets, filtering out false alarms from irrelevant objects like animals or foliage. This improves the accuracy of motion detection and reduces unnecessary alerts.

Perimeter Protection:

The deep learning-powered Perimeter Protection technology can accurately identify human and vehicle targets in restricted areas, minimizing false alarms and enhancing security in critical zones such as pedestrian areas and parking lots.

Efficient Data Management and Retrieval:

Smart Search: This feature classifies and extracts human and vehicle targets from vast amounts of video data, making it easier to trace and analyze historical data. It significantly reduces the time required to locate specific events, improving the efficiency of security operations.

Smart Dual Light Scenario Applications

1. Retail Stores

Retail stores often need color images for evidence in case of a burglary after hours, but constant warm light from security cameras can disturb nearby residents. During business hours, using IR mode allows stores to maintain effective surveillance without causing light disturbance, ensuring the environment remains undisturbed. After closing, the system switches to Smart Illumination mode, activating the warm light only when a target is detected. This provides necessary color images for evidence while minimizing light pollution. Store owners can customize these illumination modes to meet their specific requirements, balancing enhanced security with community comfort.


Parks and similar areas often struggle with nighttime visibility due to insufficient lighting, making it difficult to recognize people and vehicles. Continuous use of supplementary white light can significantly increase light pollution. The Smart Dual Light system addresses this with adaptive lighting based on activity. During idle periods when the park is typically empty, the warm light is turned off to minimize light pollution. When a person or vehicle enters the monitored area, the warm light activates to capture detailed images. Once the target leaves, the warm light turns off, and the IR illuminator resumes, ensuring effective monitoring while significantly reducing unnecessary light pollution.

Smart Dual Light technology provides customized lighting solutions for diverse scenarios, effectively addressing specific challenges with adaptive and eco-friendly methods. By intelligently alternating between IR and warm light modes based on activity and time, it boosts security, delivers essential visual details, and reduces light pollution. This versatility is especially advantageous for retail stores and parks, where lighting requirements can significantly differ between operational and non-operational hours.

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