Posted on Aug 2, 2023
In today's fast-paced business landscape, enterprises frequently encounter challenges such as aging devices, non-scalable networks, and insufficient bandwidth for both wired and wireless networks. A customer from Sydney has been leading the way in innovative solutions within the dynamic IT industry. This customer aims to construct a telecommunication cabling network system that interconnects their six buildings, which are sparsely located in different places.
  • Challenge 1
    The customer sought to achieve well-organized, highly-reliable fiber cabling connectivity for their six zones.
  • Challenge 2
    The customer requires a higher-speed connectivity solution that can meet the expansion demands in the future.
  • Future-Ready Data Deployment: FS Customized Fibles
    FS tackles high data transmission & cost challenges with OS2 GYFTY53 outdoor waterproof armored cables (IEC 60794-1-2 compliant). The cable length is customized based on zone distances, with 1000m reserved for future use. In zones 6 to 1-5, 120 fibers are deployed, with additional ports allowing for the addition of 72 more fibers. Access ports utilize FS FHD high-rating waterproof splice trays.
  • Optimize Your Network: FS Assists Angau Hospital Redevelopment
    An upgraded network can bring the improvement of business productivity companies, which also results in reduced operational costs. FS assists the customer to optimize plans and offers a cost-effective and higher-speed fiber optical solution for the Angau hospital. The fiber optic network can convey a clear signal much farther and better meet future communications systems.
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