
Intent-based Networking (IBN)

Updated on Aug 7, 2024 by

What Is Intent-Based Networking?

Intent-based networking is a software-driven automation process. It leverages high levels of intelligence, analytics, and orchestration to enhance network operations and uptime. Operators define the business outcomes they want to achieve. The network then translates these objectives into the necessary configurations. This eliminates the need for manual coding of individual tasks.

For instance, suppose there is a need for secure communication between two networks. The intent would state that a secure tunnel is needed between Network A and Network B. An operator would specify which traffic should use the tunnel and any general properties it should have. However, the operator wouldn't need to provide details on implementing the tunnel. They wouldn't need to decide the number of devices, BGP advertisements, or specific features and parameters.

The intent-based networking system does all this automatically. It generates a complete configuration for all devices based on the service description. It also continues to monitor and verify the network's intended and operational state. This ongoing assurance ensures the configuration remains correct through closed-loop validation.

Intent-based networking uses a declarative model. This is different from traditional imperative networking. In imperative networking, engineers must specify each step and action on individual network elements. This approach has a high potential for errors.

What Problems Does Intent-Based Networking Solve?

Traditionally, networking has relied on manual command-line interface (CLI) operations, basic element management systems (EMSs), or automation scripts. Most network outages are due to human errors during these operations.

Intent-based networking reduces errors and risk while boosting operational efficiency in several ways.

  • It validates intent objects before applying them to the network. These objects are high-level descriptions of the network's desired properties or outcomes. Validation includes syntax checks and semantic checks against network-wide policies.

  • It allows for instant roll-backs or roll-forwards. If something goes wrong during deployment, operators can quickly revert to a known good state by applying the correct versioned intent object.

  • It limits the impact and scope of failures during new intent rollouts through well-defined policies.

  • It provides intent-based fallback. The system maintains desired outcomes even during outages or device errors by reconfiguring other network elements or using alternative methods to achieve the same results.

Modern network orchestration systems have made commercial intent-based network systems viable for mission-critical and large-scale deployments. Intent-based networks significantly reduce the time needed to deliver reliable services from days or weeks to minutes. They also help address operational challenges once the infrastructure is in place.

Implementation of Intent-Based Networking

Although intent-based networking is not a new idea, many companies are still progressing toward fully adopting it.

Intent-based Networking (IBN)

Each stage in the journey towards intent-based networking involves more automation and simpler methods for managing network operations.

  • Manual: Operations staff use CLI, SNMP, and basic tools to manage data center network devices directly.

  • Semiautomated: Scripts and rules-based management complement traditional tools, providing basic automation, network data visibility, and reactive alerts.

  • Software-defined data center: A software layer abstracts the network infrastructure, enabling quicker and more secure deployment of services and applications.

  • Automation-centric data center: This builds on the software-defined data center by automating provisioning, configuration, deployment, and orchestration processes.

  • Intent-based data center: This constantly gathers and interprets all relevant data to automate actions, aligning the network with dynamic business intents, data center conditions, and policies.

Global Delivery Service | FS
Jun 26, 2024
Global Delivery Service | FS